Hi everyone! In this post, I’m sharing PART 2 of my MCAT study guide and calendar. In my previous post, I shared my best advice on how to approach Phase 1 of your MCAT study journey: Content Review. Today, you’re going to get the inside scoop on Phases 2 and 3, which are dedicated to 3rd Party Practice and Official AAMC practice. If you haven’t already read my previous MCAT posts, please do so first because a lot of what I share below will make more sense. Here are the links in chronological order of how you should read them:
- MCAT 101: Everything You Need to Know Before Studying for the MCAT
- The Best MCAT Study Material That Helped Me Score a 519
- MCAT Content Review Calendar and Study Schedule that Helped Me Score a 519 (FREE Download!)
I also want to remind you that you do not need to practice everything that I share. You know your study needs and preferences best! Please use my guides as inspiration for how to study, and adapt it to suit your individual style! Feel free to DM me on TikTok or email me at p31beauty@yahoo.com if you ever have any questions. I’m always here to help! Now let’s dive into Phases 2 and 3 of your MCAT study journey!
I recommend splitting your MCAT study journey into three different phases: Content Review, 3rd Party Practice, and Official AAMC Practice. You might be wondering, How long should I spend on each phase? This is something that will vary depending on each person’s availability and previous knowledge of MCAT topics. Some people are able to evenly split their time on each phase (ex: one month per phase). However, if you need to learn a variety of MCAT topics on your own or if you’re struggling with practice questions, you may need to invest more time on certain phases.
Personally, I was able to do a somewhat even split of each phase over the course of 4 months because I had taken classes that covered most of the MCAT topics. In just a bit, I’ll assist you in creating a MCAT study calendar. In the mean time, here’s a brief overview of what you should focus on during each phase.


Now that you’ve completed the Content Review phase, the next phase is all about PRACTICE! The MCAT is not going to test you on pure memorization. It’s going to test your ability to apply your knowledge and answer questions based on a passage. Being able to develop your test taking strategy and quickly analyze passages takes a lot of practice, which is why we are dedicating phases 2 and 3 to primarily practice. In this phase 2, you should be doing daily CARS practice, practicing passages timed, and taking weekly third party practice tests. Remember, we are saving official AAMC practice material for phase 3 since those will be most similar to the actual test!
1. Continue Practicing CARS Everyday
In the Content Review phase, you were doing around 3-4 daily CARS passages through Jack Westin. In this phase, I recommend that you transition to Khan Academy CARS practice and gradually increase the amount of passages that you do per day. Remember, the actual MCAT has 9 CARS passages that you must answer under 90 minutes. Use this phase to perfect your CARS strategy and get used to answering consecutive passages under a time crunch.
2. Do Timed Practice Passages
In the Content Review phase, you either started doing Khan Academy or UWORLD practice. Use the Practice phase to complete all of the passages! I recommend that you split your days similarly to how you did in the Content Review phase. For example, you can dedicate one day to doing solely Biology and Biochemistry passages. The next day would be General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry passages, and so on!
It’s so critical that you do multiple TIMED passages everyday, and take the time to review each passage. You won’t improve unless you know what you’re doing right and wrong! If you get a question wrong, make sure to review why you got it wrong. Did you get a question wrong because you struggle with the question type? Or do you have gaps in your knowledge about the question’s topic?
If you got a question wrong because of how it was structured, come up with a strategy so to avoid getting similar types of questions wrong in the future.
If you have gaps in your knowledge, go back to your books or Khan Academy videos and review the topic. Make flashcards on the topic and even the question you got wrong so that you can continue to review them throughout the rest of your MCAT journey.
3. Take Weekly 3rd Party Practice Tests
It’s suggested that you take around 8 total practice tests while studying for the MCAT. Since you already have 4 official AAMC practice tests that you’re saving for Phase 3, try to do around 4 third party practice tests during this phase. If you have extra time, feel free to do more than 4 third party practice tests! The more you are able to simulate the actual test day, the more prepared you will be for the actual exam. Read my previous post if want to learn about which 3rd party practice tests I recommend!
I can’t stress how important it is to take practice tests as if it’s the real thing. Try to follow the time constraints and break intervals, and don’t look up information as you’re taking the test! As tempting as it is to take the test under relaxed conditions, it’s not going to help you in the long run. You want to make sure that you know exactly what topics/question types that you’re struggling with so that you can address them before your next practice test.
4. Review Every Practice Test You Take
Reviewing your practice tests is just as important as actually taking them. How else are you going to learn about and improve upon your strengths and weaknesses on the MCAT? Since each practice test takes an entire work day, I recommend that you review your test the next day so that you have enough energy to go through each question.
Use the exam review spreadsheet as a way to document what you’re doing right/wrong on each test. On the day before each practice test, I also like to review this spreadsheet so that I can see what I did wrong on previous tests and avoid making the same mistakes.
For every topic that you get wrong, go back to your review books and Khan Academy and relearn the topic. Feel free to make flashcards on the topic and the incorrect question.
If you’re still feeling unsure whether you’ve mastered a topic, try doing a practice passage on UWorld or Khan Academy. This will truly test your understanding!

Previously, we calculated how many weeks you should commit to the Content Review phase; you can use that same number as a guideline for how long phase 2 should last!
Personally, I ended up spending less time in this phase than the Content Review phase. I was able to finish both UWorld and Khan Academy passages in around 4 weeks.
If you are on a time crunch, feel free to omit the day designated for “More Practice for Weak Areas“. You can continue doing practice passages for the next 2 subjects.
If you run out of passages, you can move onto official AAMC practice OR redo passages that you did during the Content Review phase.

Here’s what a workday during the Practice Phase 2 should look like:
Start off the day with CARS practice
Do TIMED practice passages for 2 subjects
Review incorrect & confusing questions/topics; also make flashcards!
Review old flashcards
At the end of the week, take a practice test. The following day, review the practice test.
We have finally made it to Phase 3– the phase that we dedicate all our time to breathing in all of the AAMC practice material! With your test approaching, you want to make sure that your brain is in tune with official AAMC styled questions and passages. The best way to do that is to practice! In my first MCAT post, I shared with y’all the best AAMC material to purchase. Read that post first and then come back here!
Personally, I dedicated around 4 weeks to completing all of the official AAMC online bundle. I prioritized doing all of the question packs and section banks, and I also took 1 practice tests per week. Afterwards, I completed the other material and then re-did the question packs and section banks to determine any gaps within my knowledge of the content.
I recommend dividing the CARS question packs and diagnostic tool across the four weeks, so that you can do daily CARS practice.
For the question packs and section banks, make sure that you’re doing them timed. For example, when you’re completing the Chemistry Question Pack (120 questions), you can do 60 questions timed, take a break, and then complete another 60 questions timed that same day. This is like simulating doing half of an actual MCAT exam! Once you’ve completed a section bank/question pack, make sure to take the time to thoroughly review each question. After finishing and reviewing all of the section banks and question packs, feel free to re-do them untimed to really perfect your test taking strategy and make sure you understand the topics.
Below, I’ve included the 4 week calendar that I followed for Phase 3. Remember, I completed and thoroughly reviewed each question pack/section bank on the same day. If you need an extra day to review them, then make sure to account for that in your personal calendar. I also designated days for re-doing the question packs/section banks. If you feel like you don’t need more time to re-do them, then use those days to do practice for challenging/confusing topics.
Lastly, be sure to constantly be reviewing your flashcards from throughout your MCAT journey
NOTE: If you do not purchase the AAMC official bundle due to financial reasons! It’s okay! Just use the extra days to do old practice passages or review content you’ve been struggling with.

During the final week leading up to your exam it is CRITICAL that you gradually ease up on reviewing and prioritize getting rest. Here’s what you should be doing:
1. Review Quicksheets (see my MCAT resources post for links!)
2. For any topics on the Quicksheets that you feel shaky on, review the material (review books, old notes, or Khan Academy videos) and re-do practice passages
3. Review old flashcards
4. Continue doing AAMC CARS
You know your needs best, so please don’t feel the need to follow exactly what I suggest! What I highly recommend, though, is taking a FULL rest day on the day before your exam.
The first time I took the MCAT, I studied everyday leading up to my exam, which ultimately exacerbated my stress and anxiety. The night before the MCAT I experienced severe test anxiety and only got 3 hours of sleep. As you can guess, I ended up scoring 10 points below my practice exam average. Ultimately, I got a 507 and had to retake the test a month later.
Please avoid my mistake and prioritize rest during this last week! Make sure that you practice self-care to lower your stress! Honestly, at this point, you know what you know. You’ve done enough practice. All you can do is do light review and make sure you’re keeping your test anxiety at a minimum so that when the test day arrives, you can perform with a clear mind and enough rest.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for my next post where I’ll be sharing what to expect on your official test day! If you have any questions, feel free to DM me on TikTok or email me at p31beauty@yahoo.com. Good luck studying!
blaze ann