Dear reader,
It’s been a while since I last posted on my blog. I honestly don’t even know if anyone will read this post because of how long of a break I took. In my last post of 2018, I want to talk about what’s been on my mind lately. I apologize in advance if what you read is not expressed eloquently. I want to write freely in order to better connect with you.
2018 was a year of growth, waiting, and patience for me. Growing up, I’d always hear the verse, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart” (Proverbs 3:5), and eventually memorized it by heart. However, after nineteen years of living, this was the year that I learned what it means to trust in God. Earlier this year, I remember feeling so fearful and helpless about a situation I was in. I just wanted God to give me a sign that everything would work out in the end. As the year comes to an end, I am still uncertain of what is to come but am no longer controlled by fear. I have learned that God is always faithful even when you cannot hear Him. As long as you are doing what is right, there’s no reason to be afraid! Just trust in Him! It is difficult to go into more detail without describing my situation, and I hope that one day I will be able to share it with you.
As far as blogging goes, I actually considered quitting my blog after over four years of running it. I felt discouraged at how I wasn’t accumulating a lot of followers. When I saw other people’s feeds on Instagram, I began to compare myself and think that I wasn’t good enough. I got trapped in the idea that what I had to say through was of no value. Sometimes, I still wonder if the content I post makes a difference. This break has helped me realize that when you ever feel discouraged about something you were once passionate about, it is important to remember why you first started out. I didn’t start P31beauty with the intent of becoming Instagram famous . P31beauty bloomed out of my love for fashion, photography, and graphic design and with the intent to glorify God. I’m not sure why, but for the past few months, I’ve felt the pressure to blog for likes. However, growth comes with time, patience, and when viewers can see the passion that I have for blogging. I realize that as a full time, premed student, I don’t have much time to dedicate to blogging. Nonetheless, I am determined to keep keep this blog running. Creating and running P31beauty is one of my proudest achievements, and in 2019, I hope to see it grow for the right reasons.
God has been so good to me in 2018. There have been ups and downs, but the blessings always outweigh the negative. I am extremely grateful for the love that I’ve received from my family, friends, and the amazing people that have come into my life. This 2019, I don’t have many extravagant goals. I just want to spread kindness and love towards others, learn more about Christ, keep a grateful spirit, and be the best person I can be as a student, daughter, sister, friend, etc. If you read till the end of this post, I just want to thank you for listening and supporting my blog! It means the world to me. I hope that you, your family, and friends have a new year filled with laughter, blessings, love, and joy.
Blaze Ann
my Christmas outfit!
dress & coat are from H&M
I feel like a grown up in this outfit!
Madewell top (under $20!)
H&M jeans ($10)
Dolce Vita shoes
Making my way downtown, walking fast, faces pass, and I’m homebound nanananananana
Target skirt
Dolce Vita shoes
Forever 21 top
$13 Shein skirt
Old Navy boots